Hello! I’m Heather Elkins, board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and founder of RootLove Lactation Services.

Heather Elkins, IBCLC
Heather Elkins, JD, IBCLC

The birth of my son in 2013 opened my eyes to the incredible world of lactation, — through my own initial challenges with and then love of breastfeeding my son. This spurred me to pursue volunteer work as a breastfeeding peer counselor for Boulder County’s Women, Infants & Children (WIC) program.

I greatly enjoyed counseling WIC participants on nourishing their infants and helping them troubleshoot challenges. I soon decided that I wanted to expand on my infant feeding education, first becoming a Certified Lactation Counselor in 2015, after completing a 40-hour lactation training through the Healthy Children Project’s Center for Breastfeeding, and then pursuing board certification through the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners in 2015-2018.  This required (among other coursework) 90 hours of lactation-specific education and 500 mentored hours of clinical internship, where I worked directly with breastfeeding parents and babies in all aspects of lactation and infant feeding management. I completed my internship under the guidance of Amanda Ogden at the Mama’hood in Denver, Colorado.

I am now a mother of two children, my daughter was born in 2015, and the four of us live in Boulder, Colorado.  In addition to listening to as many podcasts on lactation and infant feeding support as possible, I enjoy running, hiking and camping in the mountains of Colorado baking, and watching my children grow.